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A Group Reflection Over an Unforgettable Experience

July 3, 2023 | A Designed Experience

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Jump to Section: Overview | Solution | Impact | Reflection | Contact


Electric Forest is more than just a music camping festival; it's an immersive experience that promotes positivity, generosity, and self-reflection within its vibrant and selfless community.

The event had a significant impact on me and the group I attended with. We recognized the need to unpack this shared experience and acknowledge its influence in order to move forward with intention.

I wanted to take my friends on a journey through a series of activities and conversations to help us connect and reflect over the four days and five nights we shared together and pave the way for years to come.

The gathering structure was shaped by a combination of physical, psychological, emotional, and logistical considerations, and played a pivotal role in establishing the order and sequence of the overall framework.


  • Given the informal friend-focused setting, timing was flexible. However, attention spans and emotional openness dictated a prudent duration.

  • The event took place in a home and featured a spacious, yet cozy main room for the large group and various space for the breakouts. The main room's ambiance is what set the emotional tone.

  • Two people helped me facilitate conversations and guide people through the logistics of the gathering.

  • Group size influences the gathering's atmosphere and activity feasibility. This event’s size was fixed, shaping the rest of the planning.



The framework employed incorporates design thinking principles and aligns with the first half of the double diamond design process.

We engaged in a sequence of reflective activities with the intention of both diverging to uncover specific information and converging to identify connections and summarize key themes.

This process is meant to build off uncovered ideas and create a shared ownership amongst the group.

And through guided facilitation, we were able to navigate through each activity and ensure all voices were heard within the communal space.


  • Prior to the event, we hosted an informal dinner, allowing participants to socialize and enjoy pizza, snacks, and wine in a casual setting. While serving food and alcohol is not a requirement it does enhance the experience and can serve as a social lubricant.

    Phones were also collected before the introduction and left outside of the gathering space in order to limit distractions and keep participants present.

  • We commenced the gathering with a heartfelt welcome from the main moderator, where he level set the intention behind the gathering, shared the desired outcomes, and walked through the agenda.

    Next, we moved onto an ice breaker where participants took turns responding to unique questions out of a bowl. This light-hearted exercise helps encourage everyone to feel at ease and opens dialogue up early on.

    Moving to a more reflective phase, a participant then guided us through a breathing exercise using a crystal singing bowl. This helped transition into the first activity.

  • How was it conducted?

    Transitioning to a more reflective phase, we pondered three pre-posed questions to give participants the space to shift inward, as it relates to the group purpose. The questions encompassed past, present, and future aspects and served as the foundation for the remainder of the gathering.

    Journal Prompts

    • What is a core memory from the forest you will never forget? (past)

    • When do you feel most loved and in touch with your friends? (present)

    • How can we create more shared experiences beyond our time in the forest? (future)

    Why a journaling exercise?

    This activity solidifies participants' voices, preparing them for breakout rooms and enhancing group discussions. Allowing participants to work individually initially prepares them to share their ideas effectively in the group stage.

  • How was it conducted?

    Building off of the Journal Exercise, each breakout group shared their responses with one another.

    This guided reflection enabled the group to discover meaning, establish connections, and distill the collective insights.

    These insights were documented and then brought back to the larger space for the final discussion.

    Why breakout groups?

    While speaking as a large group has advantages, it can also involve extended listening and waiting times, making some uncomfortable with public speaking. It limits intimate conversations and back-and-forth dialogues. Breakout groups address these limitations, enabling interactions with less familiar individuals and fostering a space for sharing diverse stories and perspectives.

  • How was it conducted?

    Coming back from the breakout groups we were now ready for the final group stage. During this open dialogue, each group shared their key takeaways while a moderator facilitated the discussion and helped engage new voices. Below are some of the key themes:

    Group Takeaways

    • Try to bring your authentic self into each interaction

    • Creating intentional spaces, such as this gathering, are so critical

    • Appreciate each moment with friends, whether its just a minute or an entire weekend

    Why bring it all back together?

    The breakouts unlocked a lot of insight, but bringing everyone back to the main room at the end strengthened our friend group's sense of community. Each breakout group had unique experiences, however the feeling of belonging was reminded by bringing everyone back together.

  • After some closing remarks and expression of gratitude from me and the other leaders, participants began to depart at their own pace, while some stayed, reminiscing through the trip’s photo album.

    A lingering sense of community remained as attendees gradually exited the gathering space. What a beautiful moment it was.



100% of survey respondents said they would recommend a gathering such as this to a friend and would participate again.

I loved how intentional it was. I feel like it gave me the opportunity to really connect with others. It opened the floor up to conversations we may not have had otherwise.

80% of survey respondents gave the gathering organization the highest rating of “Excellent, wouldn’t have changed a thing.”

It made Electric Forest and the memories I’ll cherish much more meaningful.
— survey respondent

70% of survey respondents gave the gathering the highest rating of “Amazing, let’s run it back” out of the five options.

[I enjoyed] the comfort level from the jump for everyone to feel like they could express themselves.
— survey respondent


After the gathering I took some personal time to reflect on the evening, capturing from the perspective of both a facilitator and participant. Below are a few of my takeaways and pictures of my journal:

  • For future gatherings I will encourage actionable steps to help participants move forward with intention and allow for future follow up

  • Utilize others’ skills and allow participants to contribute as a leaders and foster the community

  • I have never felt such appreciation from a group of people. Being recognized for the work I put in to organize this effort brought tears to my eyes. Is it my purpose to create more shared spaces such as these?

Since composing this case study, I have designed and executed similar gatherings with intentions to organize more in the future.


Thanks for reading my case study!

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Check out my other case studies!

Redesigning Recruitment

Design Sprint

End of Year Reflection